Meet one of our expert podcast guests.

Troy Schroeder
CFO, Haselden Construction
Troy is a walking example of a CFO who has evolved his mindset, skillset, and leadership style to rise up to these new demands in finance. His progressive career spans 25 years, most recently as the CFO and current member of Haselden Construction’s Board of Directors. Troy believes, “No one can do great things alone,” and he is proud to have worked for 17 years with the dynamic team at Haselden, a company that places the values of relationships, entrepreneurship and a sense of family right next to profitability and achievement. In addition to serving as a CFO, Troy along with six other parents founded a tuition-free Pre-K charter school in Castle Rock Colorado focused on caring for students as whole-persons by cultivating their hearts, minds, skills and habits for long term success. Troy has served as the Treasurer since 2011, and Aspen View Academy is now home to 850 full time students.